
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Sanctity of Watermelon

I would like to sing an ode to the watermelon. On Saturday, K and I bought a watermelon at the farmer's market in town and bought it home with the other various vegetables and fruits we found. Last night after dinner, K cut it. From the moment he sliced it, from the sound it and the sweet fragrance, we knew this was it. Like the Polar Express cry "The First Present of Christmas!", everything about this watermelon sang "The Best Melon of Summer!" It was perfectly sweet and red, none of that tang and white-pinkness associated with a non-ripe melon, and the crunch was firm and refreshing. It was remarkable also in that it was seedless because usually seedless watermelons are less sweet. It will be breakfast and lunch because we could not let this perfection sit in the refridgerator and turn to watery slush. Summer distilled into the essence of a square bite of melon.


  1. i ate half of one yesterday. they are at peak season now.

  2. How great for the 4th of July, too.

  3. it is incredibly hydrating, too. mostly water. you can juice the rind & all-it's very good for the digestive system & kidneys. some people go on watermelon fasts. that's one i could probably pull off.
